
viernes, 5 de abril de 2024

The Gift For All

 Sweet or savory,

A very valuable kind of asset.

Delicious gift made to enrichen food.

You can enjoy it carefully, dear soul.

Fancy bites that taste like history.

Cheese, the name of the delicatessen, is it.

The Damned Souls

 The poor, the broken and the careless.

No one can hear the sound of a broken kind of prayer.

Burning inside, these souls keep fighting against everything.

These souls keep enjoying the sound of freedom.

Please, don't ever think about running away from it.

The darkness is all around you, but is not as painful as you think.

sábado, 30 de marzo de 2024

Hold Me Into Your Heart

 Hold me into your soul,

Show me the way of living.

I don't wanna be hurt anymore.

I wanna live in light forever.

No more wounds breaking my soul.

Take me to a better place for me.

Hold me into your heart, forever.

viernes, 29 de marzo de 2024

Hastly Waiting For You

 Tired of aching deep inside,

Looking forward to a sunny day,

No one can stop me from loving you,

Beloved piece of my heart,

I will wait for someone like you,

I will wait until the sun goes down.

Going to chase the beautiful sunbeams.

I need you more than anything in the world.

With Your Embrace

 With your most beautiful smile,

I wanna hold you close to my heart.

Every part of me aches for your beautiful body.

Let me hold you close, please, don't run away.

I need your beautiful embrace tonight, my love.

With your embrace, I can feel alive again.

With your embrace, I remember the joy of life.

Looking at The Sun

 Looking high above, we can find light.

Some kind of beautiful happiness,

Shining above sweetly with no fear.

The sun is shining, and you can see it.

Don't try to run away from it.

Let it sweetly glow inside you, my beloved.

Precious emotion that lights your soul up.

jueves, 28 de marzo de 2024

Become Light

 When there is nothing but darkness around you, please, become light.

Don't let anyone hurt you, but don't let anyone break your soul.

Hold on, you will see better days real soon, my beloved one.

Don't let any kind of darkness pierce thru your beautiful soul.

Keep going, no matter what could happen to your body.

Keep walking, as something better awaits for you, my beloved.

When there is nothing but darkness, look for the answer inside you.

Believe me,someone trusts you and wants to see you happy.

The Gift For All

 Sweet or savory, A very valuable kind of asset. Delicious gift made to enrichen food. You can enjoy it carefully, dear soul. Fancy bites th...